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četrtek, 3. maj 2018

More Wedding Decor Felt Hearts

One of the things I'm working on lately are Heart ornaments.

I'm combining different flowers into floral embellishments.

This post is again about white Wedding decor with a little bit of pastels.

These flowers resembles spring blossoms ...
I created them in white, pastel pink and pastel peach.
But my favorite is the white one.
For the greenery I have new fabulous baby pastel color "Hint of mint"

Here is another white heart with flowers.
This is a more simple one.

Everything is available in my Etsy shop DusiCrafts

4 komentarji:

  1. Sanjsko lepa dekoracija. Navdušena sem tudi nad šopki v pastelnih barvah, čeprav je beli šopek najlepši. :-)

  2. Hudo... marelična sicer ni moja top barva, vendar izpade lepo. Zmaga pa vsekakor bela na belo :)

  3. Noro lepo, in če bi se še enkrat poročila bi imela hortenzije, ker si me ti čist navdušla nad njimi <3
