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ponedeljek, 25. februar 2013

Felt fake food - Cupcakes / Male tortice iz filca

Ta vikend je bil res ustvarjalno uspešen.
Cel prejšnji teden sem pridno šivala male borovnice in maline iz novega tankega filca.
Takole tihožitje je nastalo med tednom

This weekend was really creative for me.
The whole previous week I sewed small blueberries and raspberries from the new thin felt.
Here's "a still life" that was created during the week.

Potem je sledilo razmišljanje... Kam z njimi?
Skupaj z jagodami za kombinacijo v setu gozdnega sadja? Pa kaj ko se ti mali koščki tako hitro zgubijo in pobirajo prah pod kavčem... definitivno jih bo treba nekam prišiti
Mogoče kot sestavni del velike torte, katere izdelave se nikakor ne lotim... 
Mogoče pa kot samostojne mini tortice?

Pa je nastopil čas, da se lotim mini tortic. Inspiracij sem kot vedno polno našla na
Tole je nastalo zaenkrat... pa so že tudi nove v izdelavi

Then I thought... What to do with them?
Together with strawberries as a  forest fruit combination set? But those little pieces gets so quickly lost and after time they only collect dust under the bed ... So they definitely must be sewn somewhere ... Maybe as a part of large cake? Maybe as a separate mini cupcakes?

However, the time has come for me to try out creating some cupcakes. I found few inspirations on Pinterest for beginning. And then I combined some of my unique combinations.
This is what I created so far ... and there are already new cupcake flavours that I'm working on.

For currently available fake food sets please visit my Etsy store

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